Online therapy is available in individual and group formats. It provides a convenient and effective way to receive support and treatment from the comfort of your home or office - while also saving you time and opening up more appointment options. Telehealth has proven to be as effective as in-person therapy and is compatible with a variety of therapeutic approaches. All services are provided on a secure HIPAA-compliant platform. You simply log into your client portal from a smartphone, tablet, or computer and click on the link to join the session.
Dynamic workshops are available to address stress management, compassion fatigue, caregiver support, illness management and recovery principles, grief/loss, and much more! Workshops are generally 1-2 hours and are a great way to learn new skills and receive support from others who are experiencing similar problems.
Court-ordered evaluations of competency to stand trial and mental state at the time of the offense are offered. Cedar Grove is on the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services' (DBHDS) list of approved evaluators in Virginia.